Monatsarchive: Oktober 2014

Quick Tip: Error accessing the CUPS admin website

Someone gave me a used color ink printer as a gift. This printer doesn’t have a network interface so i had to look for a way to connect it to my home network. I didn’t want to buy a small … Weiterlesen

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Its fascinating what people connect to the Internet

My blog informed me that one particular IP address was banned for 24 hours after 16 unsuccessful login attempts. I checked this IP with WHOIS and it seems that someone in the Netherlands was very interested in my login page. … Weiterlesen

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BRUCON 2014 – A short review

Disclaimer: this is my first blog entry in English; so be warned;-) Like the two years before i visited this year the BRUCON conference in the nice city of Gent. Unfortunately, because of lack of budget, i couldn’t attend any … Weiterlesen

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